Determine the speed of the satellite

Complete the mcq:

1) Imagine a 560 kg satellite in a circular orbit around the earth with a period of 4.8 hours.

(a) Determine the height of the satellite above the surface of the earth

(b) Determine the speed of the satellite in m/s.

(c) Determine the force of gravity on the satellite.

Mass of Earth = 6.0 x 1024 kg

Radius of Earth = 6.4 x 106 m

G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2/kg2

2) Consider a plane pulling up from a downward dive. The net force on the pilot at the bottom of the dive is equal to

A) the normal force from the seat

B) the force due to gravity

C) the normal force from the seat plus the force due to gravity

D) the normal force from the seat minus the force due to gravity

3) Why did Newton think there was a force acting on the moon?

A) because the moon always keep one side toward the earth

B) because the moon moves in a curved path

C) because there is no air on the moon

D) because the moon is moving

4) Consider an astronaut in an orbiting space shuttle. Which of the following statements is true?

A) weight = 0 N and normal force is non-zero.

B) weight and normal force are both non-zero.

C) weight = 0 N and normal force = 0 N.

D) weight is non-zero and normal force = 0 N

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Physics: Determine the speed of the satellite
Reference No:- TGS01884240

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