
Determine the service flow rate with a level of service b

1. Determine the service flow rate with a level of service B for asection of 4-lane freeway (2 lanes in each direction) with 10-ft lanes and obstructions 4 feet from the traveled pavement on oneside of the roadway. The section has a 5% grade 0.95 miles long. It is to accommodate 8% heavy trucks and buses and 4% recreational vehicles. Based on local studies, an adjustment factor for thedriver population, fp , 0f 0.90 is indicated. The design speed is60 mph.

2. Determine for the cited operating conditions, the maximum approach volumes per clock hour for a 36-ft-wide street in anoutlying business district in a city of 250,000. Load factor is0.7, peak-hour factor 0.80, and percentage of green 50.

a. Operated as a two-way street with parking permitted.

b. Operated as a two-way street, with all parking prohibited.

c. Operated as a one-way street 36 ft wide with parkingpermitted.

d. Operated as a one-way street 36 ft wide with all parkingprohibited.

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Civil Engineering: Determine the service flow rate with a level of service b
Reference No:- TGS0801380

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