
Determine the sample proportion

Discuss the below:

Use One-Proportion Z-Test

Q1: Christmas Presents. The Arizona Republic conducted a telephone poll of 758 Arizona adults who celebrate Christmas. The question asked was, "In your family, do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?" Of those surveyed, 394 said they wait until Christmas Day.

a. Determine the sample proportion.

b. At the 5% significance level, do the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that a majority of Arizona families who celebrate Christmas wait until Christmas Day to open their presents?

Q2: Families in Poverty. In 2000, 8.6% of all U.S. families had incomes below the poverty level, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau in Current Population Reports. During that same year, of 400 randomly selected families whose householder had at least a Bachelor's degree, 9 had incomes below the poverty level. Do the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that in 2000, the percentage of families that earned incomes below the poverty level was lower among those whose householders had at least a Bachelor's degree than among all U.S. Families? Use a=0.01.

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Basic Statistics: Determine the sample proportion
Reference No:- TGS01912068

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