
determine the purpose of the study there must

Determine the purpose of  the study: There must be  a sound  rationale  or justification for every research project.  If  the pui-pose of  the  study is clearly presented and justified, the researcher will be more  likely  to  receive approval for the study. 

Review of literature: Research should  build on previous knowledge. Before beginning the  study,  it is important to determine what  knowledge exists for the study topic. Once you  havk  identified the problem, you  need to examine what has  been done already  in your subject area and what  is yet  to be  done. The review of literature involves mainly the research literature. 

Develop a theoretical and conceptual framework 

The goal of research is  to develop scientific knowledge. Research  and  theory development are interlinked. Research can test theories as well  as help  to develop and refine theories. Thus theoretical frameworks are valuable part of scientific research. Theoretical and conceptual framework will assist  in  selection of the study variables and in defining  them. The  framework will also direct the hypothesis and interpretation of  the  findings. 

ldentify  the study of assumptions: Assumptions are belief that are held  to be true  but  have not  necessarily been proved. Each scientific investigation is based on  assumptions. These assumptions should be  stated clearly. Acknowledge the limitation of the study. Researcher should  try to  identify study limitations or weaknesses. Limitations are uncontrolled variables that may affect study results and limit the generalizability of the findings.  

In nearly every nursing study, there are variables which are uncontrollable. These are called extraneous variables. For example, the educational level  of  subjects would be study limitation if researcher could not control this variable and it might influence  the study results. The  researcher should openly acknowiedge the limitations of  the study before data collection. Other limitations may occur while the study is  in  progress  (e.g. malfunctions of equipment  and  subject drop out). The limitations must  be  taken  into consideration when  the  coinclusions  of the  study are formulated and when  recommendations  are made  for future research.  


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Biology: determine the purpose of the study there must
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