Step 1: Define the Nutritional Problem
¦ Problem statement indicates:
- Who is affected? How many people are affected?
- The impact of the problem on general health or nutritional status
- The areas where there are gaps in the community's knowledge of a nutritional problem
Step 2: Set the Parameters of the Assessment
¦ Define "Community"
¦ Determine the Purpose of the Needs Assessment
¦ Define the Target Population
¦ Set Goals and Objectives for the Needs Assessment
- Goals: broad statements of what an activity or program is expected to accomplish
- Objectives: Statements of outcomes and activities needed to reach a goal
¦ Specify the Types of Data Needed
Step 3: Collect Data
¦ Collect data about the Community
- Qualitative data: Key informants and Stakeholders
- Quantitative data: Vital statistics and other health databases
¦ Community Characteristics
¦ Environmental Characteristics
¦ Socioeconomic Characteristics
¦ Collect data about Background Conditions
- Political, socioeconomic, cultural, & environmental factors at national level have potential to affect target population
¦ Collect data about the Target Population
¦ Collect New data (when necessary)
Step 4: Analyze and Interpret the Data
¦ 4 steps in making the community diagnosis
- Interpret the state of health of the target population within the community
- Interpret the pattern of health care services & programs designed to reach the target population
- Interpret the relationship between the target population's health status and health care in the community
- Summarize the evidence linking the target population's major nutritional problems to their environment.