
Determine the power spectral density of transmitted signal

Solve the following problem:

Consider the signal constellation shown in Figure

2107_the signal constellation.jpg

The lowpass equivalent of the transmitted signal is represented as

s1(t) = Σ  ang(t - nT)

where g(t) is a rectangular pulse defined as

g(t) = {1    0≤t          {0    otherwise

and the an's are independent and identically distributed (iid) random variables that can assume the points in the constellation with equal probability.

1. Determine the power spectral density of the signal s1(t).

2. Determine the power spectral density of the transmitted signal s(t), assuming that the carrier frequency is f0 (assuming f0 >> 1/T ).

3. Determine and plot the power spectral density of s1(t) for the case when r1 = r2 (plot the PSD as a function of f T ).

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Electrical Engineering: Determine the power spectral density of transmitted signal
Reference No:- TGS02037996

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