
Determine the potential impact of each hazard threat or


Using the resource link below and others research how a risk assessment methodology process can be used to assess risk at a maximum security facility. Write a minimum of 1 page (do not count the abstract and reference page).

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The following methods can be used to do a risk assessment:

• Use a what-if analysis to identify threats and hazards. What-if questions are asked about what could go wrong and about what would happen if things do go wrong. This type of analysis is a brainstorming activity and is carried out by people who have knowledge about the areas, operations, and processes that may be exposed to hazardous events and conditions.

• Use a checklist of known threats and hazards to identify your threats and hazards. The value of this type of analysis depends upon the quality of the checklist and the experience of the user.

• Use a combination of checklists and what-if analysis to identify your threats and hazards. Checklists are used to ensure that all relevant what-if questions are asked and discussed, and to encourage a creative approach to risk assessment.

• Use a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) to identify your threats and hazards. If you need to do a thorough analysis, this method is for you. However, it requires strong leadership and is costly and time consuming. It also assumes that you have a very knowledgeable interdisciplinary team available to you, one with detailed knowledge about the areas, operations, and processes that may be exposed to hazardous events and conditions.

• Use a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) to identify potential failures and to figure out what effect failures would have. This method begins by selecting a system for analysis and then looks at each element within the system. It then tries to predict what would happen to the system as a whole when each element fails. This method is often used to predict hardware failures and is best suited for this purpose.

• Use a fault tree analysis (FTA) to identify all the things that could potentially cause a hazardous event. It starts with a particular type of hazardous event and then tries to identify every possible cause.

The above is based on NFPA 1600 2007 Annex A.5.3.1.


Comprehensive risk assessments:

• Identify the range of hazards, threats, or perils:

• Identify the hazards, threats, or perils that impact or might impact your organization.

• Identify the hazards, threats, or perils that impact or might impact your infrastructure.

• Identify the hazards, threats, or perils that impact or might impact the surrounding area.

• Determine the potential impact of each hazard, threat, or peril by:

• Estimating the relative severity of each hazard, threat, or peril.

• Estimating the relative frequency of each hazard, threat, or peril.

• Estimating the vulnerability to each hazard, threat, or peril.

• Estimate how vulnerable your people are to each hazard, threat, or peril.

• Estimate how vulnerable your operations are to each hazard, threat, or peril.

• Estimate how vulnerable your property is to each hazard, threat, or peril.

• Estimate how vulnerable your environment is to each hazard, threat, or peril.

• Categorize each hazard, threat, or peril according to how severe it is, how frequently it occurs, and how vulnerable you are.

• Develop strategies to deal with the most significant hazards, threats, or perils.

• Develop strategies to prevent hazards, threats, or perils that impact or might impact your organization and its people, operations, property, and environment.

• Develop strategies to mitigate hazards, threats, or perils that impact or might impact your organization and its people, operations, property, and environment.

• Develop strategies to prepare for hazards, threats, or perils that impact or might impact your organization and its people, operations, property, and environment.

• Develop strategies to respond to hazards, threats, or perils that impact or might impact your organization and its people, operations, property, and environment.

• Develop strategies to recover from hazards, threats, or perils that impact or might impact your organization and its people, operations, property, and environment.

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Computer Engineering: Determine the potential impact of each hazard threat or
Reference No:- TGS02613570

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