
Determine the p-value

The mathematical expression of probability as a number between 0 and 1 is fundamental to understanding statistics. For example, research articles will include a p-value expression such as "significance less than 0.001. This means that a probability of .001 (equivalent to 1/1000) corresponds to an event so rare that it occurs an average of only once in a thousand trials.

Illustrate and interpret the rare event rule for inferential statistics.

Determine the p-value? What does the p-value tell us?

Determine the author's conclusion based on that probability? Was their finding "unusual", if unusual is defined as p < .05? Explain.

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Basic Statistics: Determine the p-value
Reference No:- TGS0870258

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The assignment is prepared in word document. It is based on the definition and calculation of p values for different hypothesis. It is completely original work and there is no plagiarism

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