
Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked

1. Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

‘Triple a number

Dim num As Double = 5


lstOutput.Items.Add (num)

End Sub

Function Triple(ByVal x As Double) As Double

Dim num As Double = 3

Return num * x

End Function

2. Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

Dim states, senators As Double

States = 50

Senators = 2

Senate(states * senators)

End Sub

Sub Senate (ByVal num as Double)

txtBox.Text = "the number of U.S. Senators is " & num

End Sub

3. Find the errors.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

Dim word As String, number As Double

word = "seven"

number = 7

Display (word, number)

End Sub

Sub Display(ByVal num As Double, ByVal term As String)

textOutput.Text = num & " " & term

End Sub

4. Rewrite the program so input, processing, and output are each performed by calls to Sub procedures.

Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click

‘Information about trees

Dim num As Integer = 7

Tree = "redwood"

ht = 362

lstBox.Items.Add("The tallest " & tree & " tree in the U. S, is " & ht & & " feet.")

tree = "pine"

ht = 223

lstBox.Items.Add("The tallest " & tree & " tree in the U. S. is " & ht & " feet.")

End Sub

5. Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked.

Private Sub btnDetermine_Click(...) Handles btnDetermine.Click

Dim word As String = ""

Dim num As Integer

GetFacts(word, num)

txtOutput.text = "The first " & num & " letters of " & word & " are " & BegOfWord(word, num) & "."

End Sub

Sub GetFacts(ByRef w As String, ByRef num As Integer)

w = InputBox("enter a word: ")

n = CInt(InputBox("Enter a number less than the length of the word: "))

End Sub

Function BefOfWiord(ByVal word As String, ByVal num As Integer) As String

Return word.Substring(0, num)

End Function

(Assume the two responses are Education and 3.)

6. Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

Dim price, markdown, salesTax, finalCost as Double

InputData(price, finalCost)

finalCost = CostOfItem(price, markdown, salesTax)

DisplayOutput(price, finalCost)

End Sub

Sub InputData (ByRef price As Double, ByRef markdown As Double, ByRef salesTax As Double)

Price = CDbl(InputBox("Price of item: ")

Markdown = CDbl (InputBox("Percentage discount: "))

salesTax = CDbl(InputBox("Percentage state sales tax: "))

End Sub

Function CostOfItem(ByVal pr As Double, ByVal md As Double, ByVal st As Double) As Double

Dim reducedPrice, cost As Double

reducedPrice = pr - ((md/100) * pr)

cost = reducedPrice + ((st / 100) * reducedPrice)

Return cost

End Function

(Assume the three responses are 125, 20, and 6)

7. Identify the errors.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click

Dim word As String

word = InputBox("What is your favorite word?")

txtOutput.Text = "When the word is written twice, " & _

Twice(word) & " letters are used."

End Sub

Function Twice(ByVal w As String) As Integer

'Compute twice the length of a string

Dim len As Integer

Return len = 2 * w.Length


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Programming Languages: Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked
Reference No:- TGS01061668

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