Solve the following problem:
Consider the channel model shown in Figure . {νn} is a real-valued white noise sequence with zero-mean and variance N0. Suppose the channel is to be equalized by a DFE having a two-tap feed forward filter (c0, c-1) and a one-tap feedback filter (c1). The {ci} are optimized using the MSE criterion.
a. Determine the optimum coefficients and their approximate values for N0
b. Determine the exact value of the minimum MSE and a first-order approximation appropriate to the case N0
c. Determine the exact value of the output SNR for the three-tap equalizer as a function of N0 and a first-order approximation appropriate to the case N0
d. Compare the results in (b) and (c) with the performance of the infinite-tap DFE.

e. Evaluate and compare the exact values of the output SNR for the three-tap and infinitetap DFE in the special cases where N0 = 0.1 and 0.01. Comment on how well the three-tap equalizer performs relative to the infinite-tap equalizer.