Solve the following problem:
A communication system employs M signals for {sm(t)}Mm=1 transmission of M equiprobable messages. The receiver has two antennas and receives two signals r1(t) = sm(t) + n1(t) and r2(t) = sm(t) + n2(t) by these antennas. Both n1(t) and n2(t) are white Gaussian noises with power spectral densities N01/2 and N02/2, respectively. The receiver makes its optimal detection based on the observation of both r1(t) and r2(t). It is further assumed that the two noise processes are independent

1. Determine the optimal decision rule for this receiver.
2. Assuming N01 = N02 = N0, determine the optimal receiver structure.
3. Show that under the assumption of part 2, the receiver needs to know only r1(t)+r2(t).
4. Now assume the system is binary and employs on-off signaling (i.e., s1(t) = s(t) and s2(t) = 0), and show that the optimal decision rule consists of comparing r1 +αr2 with a threshold. Determine α and the threshold (in this part you are assuming noise powers are different).
5. Show that in part 4, if noise powers are equal, then α = 1, and determine the error probability in this case. How does this system compare with a system that has only one antenna, i.e., receives only r1(t)?