
Determine the optimal decision rule for the receiver

Solve the following problem:

A communication system employs M signals for {sm(t)}Mm=1  transmission of M equiprobable messages. The receiver has two antennas and receives two signals r1(t) = sm(t) + n1(t) and r2(t) = sm(t) + n2(t) by these antennas. Both n1(t) and n2(t) are white Gaussian noises with power spectral densities N01/2 and N02/2, respectively. The receiver makes its optimal detection based on the observation of both r1(t) and r2(t). It is further assumed that the two noise processes are independent

718_optimal receiver structure.jpg

1. Determine the optimal decision rule for this receiver.

2. Assuming N01 = N02 = N0, determine the optimal receiver structure.

3. Show that under the assumption of part 2, the receiver needs to know only r1(t)+r2(t).

4. Now assume the system is binary and employs on-off signaling (i.e., s1(t) = s(t) and s2(t) = 0), and show that the optimal decision rule consists of comparing r1 +αr2 with a threshold. Determine α and the threshold (in this part you are assuming noise powers are different).

5. Show that in part 4, if noise powers are equal, then α = 1, and determine the error probability in this case. How does this system compare with a system that has only one antenna, i.e., receives only r1(t)?

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Other Engineering: Determine the optimal decision rule for the receiver
Reference No:- TGS02038465

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