
Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma


Mr. Pearson is a licensed mental health counselor who is the director of Wellspring Counseling Center. He provides counseling services to individuals with anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders, as well as works with and supervises registered mental health counseling interns.

In June 2012, Emily, age 25, presented to Mr. Pearson for individual counseling. Mr. Pearson diagnosed Emily with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and also noted that she "self-medicated" with alcohol. After two months, Mr. Pearson advised Emily to attend group counseling sessions in addition to ongoing individual counseling.

Ms. Meade is a registered mental health counselor intern working under Mr. Pearson's supervision. She co-leads the counseling groups with him. In September 2012, Ms. Meade noticed that Emily, one of their group clients, was working as an office receptionist. When asked about this, Mr. Pearson said he hired Emily because she was qualified for the job. Ms. Meade also was informed that Emily was continuing counseling with Mr. Pearson.

One day, Emily spoke privately with Ms. Meade about some concerns. She disclosed that Mr. Pearson regularly held her hand during counseling sessions and gave her long hugs. When Emily felt particularly anxious, Mr. Pearson reportedly recommended that she drink a glass of wine. To help her with her anxiety, Mr. Pearson suggested that Emily dance in front of him and wear more provocative clothing to enhance her self-confidence. Finally, he kissed her in session and invited her to have "a relationship" with him. Emily told Ms. Meade that she was uncomfortable with Mr. Pearson's behavior and was probably going to quit her job and find  another counselor.

What should Ms. Meade do?

Using the ethical decision-making model, apply each step to this case and determine the best
course of action for Ms. Meade.

A. Identify the problem(s)

B. Apply the ACA Code of Ethics and Florida statute(s).

C. Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma.

D. Generate potential courses of action.

E. Consider potential consequences of each course of action for all parties involved.

F. Evaluate the selected course of action (consider justice, publicity and universality).

G. Implement your course of action.

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Other Subject: Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma
Reference No:- TGS03269261

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