
determine the nature and degree of abnormalitythe

Determine the Nature and Degree of Abnormality

The nature and degree of abnormality will effect normal neural growth and maturational outcome. For example, in an adult damage to the developing brain may be the result of toxic exposure (e.g., alcohol abuse, lead exposure, and maternal drug use), nutritional deprivation, trauma, or environmental circumstances. Early birth and very low birth weight have received much attention and are often accompanied by a number of neonatal complications that may contribute to eventual cognitive compromise, including intraventricular behavioural (IVH), hyaline membrane disease and associated respiratory distress syndrome, hyperbilirubinemia, asphyxia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and apnea. The effects of prenatal or perinatal oxygen deprivation are perhaps most commonly cited as a main pathogenetic factor in neurodevelopmental problems.


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Biology: determine the nature and degree of abnormalitythe
Reference No:- TGS0358095

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