
Determine the minimum thickness of the film

Discuss the below:

Q1: A thin film of gasoline floats on a puddle of water. Sunlight falls almost perpendicularly on the thin film and reflects to your eyes. Although the sunlight is white, and it contains all colors, the film has a yellow hue because of destructive interference eliminating the color blue. Blue wavelength = 469 nm. If the refractive index of blue light in gasoline is 1.40 and blue light in water is 1.33, determine the minimum thickness of the film for this to occur.

a. 168 nanometers

b. 1.34 micrometers

c. 10.3 Angstrom units

d. 12.24 millimeters

e. 4 nanometers

Q2: A thin film of gasoline coats a flat piece of glass. Sunlight falls almost perpendicularly on the thin film and reflects to your eyes. Although the sunlight is white, and it contains all colors, the film has a yellow hue because of destructive interference eliminating the color blue. Blue wavelength = 469 nm. If the refractive index of blue light in gasoline is 1.40 and blue light in the glass is 1.52, determine the minimum thickness of the film of gasoline for this to occur.

a. 838 Angstroms

b. 1,345 Angstroms

c. 2,334 Angstroms

d. 5,055 Angstroms

e. 14,331 Angstroms

Q3: You are traveling on Route 80 one night and a car speeds by you and fades into the distance. Under these conditions the pupils of your eyes (refractive index = 1.36) have diameters of 7 millimeters. The taillights of this car are separated by a distance of 1.2 meters and emit red light (wavelength = 660 nm). How far away from you is this car when its taillights appear to merge into a single spot of light because of the effects of diffraction?

a. 14 kilometers

b. 8 kilometers

c. 5.5 kilometers

d. 4.7 kilometers

e. 4.3 kilometers

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Physics: Determine the minimum thickness of the film
Reference No:- TGS01888037

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