1) A circular curve (R=900m) has spirals at each end with an A value between 230 and 235. (choose A to give an exact value for A/R in the curve tables.) The PI is at 5+32 d.efg* and r = 3d"1e'1f*.
a) Evaluate Ls, X, Y, P, Q, LT, ST, LC, Θs, Os, Ts, Es, c (d,m,s,), Lc, and Tc. (3 decimal places)
b) Determine the T.S., S.C., C.S., S.T., SPl1, CPl. SPl2 stations.
2) For the alignment shown below, the distance between Pl's is 465.123m:
a) Determine the maximum radius R (to the nearest 10m) so that there are at least 200m of tangent between the two curve systems.
b) Determine the Pl, ST., and CPI stations shown below.

3) For the plan and profile shown below determine the following:
a) the stations of points A. B. C & D. (3 decimal places)
b) inside & outside ordinates for every even 20m stations from 1+500 to 1+640 and the points A, 13, C & D. Show +1- signs on the ordinates to indicate whether they are above or below centreline. (3 decimal places)
c) centreline elevations for every even 20m stations from 1+500 to 1+640 and the points A, B. C & D. (3 decimal places)
d) Inside & outside edge of pavement elevations for every even 20m stations from 1+500 to 1+640 and the points A. B. C & D. (3 decimal places)

For values with asterisk (A) use your student number abc-def-ghl.
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