
Determine the maximum and minimum spectral frequencies

Determine the maximum and minimum spectral frequencies received from a stationary GSM transmitter that has a center frequency of exactly 1950.000000 MHzassuming that the receiver is traveling at speeds of

1. 1 km/hr
2. 5 km/hr
3. 100 km/hr
4. 1000 km/hr


Describe all the physical circumstances that relate to a stationary transmitter and a moving receiver such that the Doppler shift at the receiver is equal to :

1. 0 Hz
2. fdmax
3. ?fdmax
4. fdmax/2


A total of 24 MHz of bandwidth is allocated to a particular FDD cellular telephone system that uses two 30 KHz simplex channels to provide full duplex voice and control channels.Assume each cell phone generates 0.1 Erlangs of traffic.Assume Erlang B is used.

a) Find the number of channels in each cell for a four-cell reuse system.

b) If each cell is to offer capacity that is 90% of perfect scheduling,find the maximum number of users that can be supported per cell where omnidirectional antennas are used at each base station.

c) What is the blocking probability of the system in (b) when the maximum number of users are available in the user pool?

d) If each new cell now uses 1200 sectoring instead of omnidirectional for each base station,what is the new total number of users that can be supported per cell for the same blocking probability as in (c)?

e) If each cell covers five square kilometers ,then how many subscribers could be supported in an urban market that is 50km * 50 km for the case of omnidirectional base station antennas?

f) If each cell covers five square kilometers,then how many subscribers could be supported in an urban market that is 50 km * 50 km for the case of 120o sectored antennas?

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Electrical Engineering: Determine the maximum and minimum spectral frequencies
Reference No:- TGS0428594

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