A wetted-wall column, as illustrated in Figure 30.4, is used as a mass-transfer device for transferring ethyl acetate liquid to an air stream by a mass-transfer limited evaporation process. At the current conditions of operation, the inlet air stream bulk velocity is 0.2 m/s, the temperatures of the gas and the liquid are maintained at 27°C, the total system pressure is 1.0 atm, the column diameter is 0.05 m, the column length is 10 m, and the vapor pressure of ethyl acetate is 0.080 atm.
a. Determine the mass-transfer coefficient for the process at the current conditions of operation. You may assume that the gas phase represents a dilute system.
b. As the gas moves up the tube, it picks up ethyl acetate vapor. Develop a mathematical expression to predict the ethyl acetate vapor concentration in the gas stream exiting the top of the tube. Then, calculate the ethyl acetate concentration in the gas stream exiting the tube. At the specified conditions of operation, what is the overall evaporation rate of ethyl acetate vapor in g mol/h if the inlet air stream contains no ethyl acetate vapor?