1. Because the circuit below stores energy in the capacitor and in the magnetic field of the inductor and the gnergy is simply transferred back and forth on alternate half-cycles, this circuit is commonly calleda.
2. Using the circuit below, create a graph of XL, Xc and Z vs. frequency. The graph should include frequencies from 500Hz to 10 kHz in 500 Hz increments. Your graph should look similar to Figure 17.16 in your in textbook. This must loe done digitally with EXCEL or equivalent graphing software. Locate and laloel the resonant frequency on your graph. Looking at your graph, approximate the value of the resonant frequency.

3. Calculate the resonant frequency using Equation L7-4 from Ch. 17 in your text.
4. If the winding resistance of the coil is _____Ω, calculate the precise resonant frequency (Equation L7-13).
5. Determine the lower critical frequeircy and label this poirrt otl your graph.
6. Determine the upper critical frequency and label this point on your graph.
7. Given the winding resistance in Step 4 of this quiz and a ____Ω load, draw the parallelequivalent circuit, determine the current in each branch and draw the current phasor.