Question 1. A line charge has a density of ρ1 and extends along a circular arc of radius ro from the x-axis to y-axis of a coordinate system as shown in the figure.

a) find electric field intensity at the point zo due to the line charge
b) show that for very large value of zo, electric filed intensity appears to be the same point change located at this origin and total change
Q = Πroρ1/2
Question 2. Maxwell equation
Electric field intensity for a wave propagating away from a point like source phasor from as:
E→(R) = Vo/R e-jBRa→θ
(a) differential faraday induction low to determine corresponding magnetic field intensity associated with this electric field.
(b) Average power density (The time avg pointing vector) flows radial away from the pair source falls off as 1/R2
Question 3. Io - Current carry runs y = ∞ fromn origin along y- axis x = along y- axis origin to x = ∞ along x-axis Biot-Savart law to determine magnetic flux density

Question 4. Electromagnetic plane wave
A plane wave at freq 18 GHz propagate in slightly loss material with (ur = 1, εr = 2.7). The show depth of the wave in this material is 1.6 m
a) conductivity of the material
b) determine the intrinsic impedance of material, n2
c) determine the velocity as propagation of plane wave in this material
d) is the assumption that the material is only slightly losses valid(i.e. is w )
Question 5. Germanium can be considered lossless non magnetic (ur = 1) relative detective constant εr = 16
Plane wave inside a piece of germanium in a dent at the interface between germanium
-> angle g inductance
-> reflection εi transmission coefficient for the wave at this angle of inclident
if magnitude of the incident electric field inside the germanium 1.25 u/m determine the complete zeal time expression for the electric ei magnetic Ass wave length of this plane wave in air

Question 6. A lossless co-axial transmission line 15 GHz

Determine the location where the sub is to be attached (distance from the load) length of the stub needed to match the load.
I want to make sure the person who is solving can actually read and understand the problems since the legibility is pretty bad