A mass-transfer process is used to remove ammonia, NH3, solute A, from a mixture of NH3 and air, using water as the solvent. The partial pressure of ammonia in the bulk gas phase is 0.2 atm, and the mole fraction of dissolved ammonia in the water is 0.04. The total system pressure is 2.0 atm, and the temperature is 30°C. The equilibrium distribution at 30°C is shown in the figure:
At 30°C, the molar solution density is 55:6 kg mol/m3. The film mass-transfer coefficient are kG = 1:0 kg mol/m2 s atm and kL = 0:045 m/s.
a. Evaluate kx.
b. Determine the interfacial concentrations, cAi and pAi, What are xAi and yAi?
c. Evaluate the overall mass-transfer coefficient, KG.
d. What is the flux, NA, for this process?