At a particular location in a countercurrent stripper for the removal of solute A from a liquid stream, the mole fraction of the transferring species A in the bulk gas phase is 0.01, and the mole fraction of solute A in the bulk liquid phase is 0.035.
The total system pressure is 2.0 atm, and the temperature is 300 K. Eighty percent of the resistance to mass transfer is in the liquid phase. The equilibrium concentrations are given in the following x-y diagram:
a. Determine the interfacial composition, xA, i and yA, i.
b. If ky = 1.25 g mol/m2. s. (mole fraction). Calculate the overall cofficient, Ky, for the gase phase at the operating point of the process.
c. Calculate the overall gas phase cofficient KG and KC.