
determine the instruments that are required for

Determine the Instruments that are Required For Sterilization?

The word sterilization is derived from the Latin word 'Sterilic' meaning unable to produce offsprings. Sterilization, therefore, is a process of making an object free from all living organisms either by destroying or removing them from the object. This control of microorganisms is very important in microbiological research, preservation of food, prevention of diseases and in various industries. Sterilization can be carried out either by employing:

(a) Physical Agents, or

(b) Chemical Agents.

These agents being microbicidal (i.e. kill the microorganisms) or microbiostatic (i.e. inhibit microbial growth) control the microorganisms by adversely damaging the essential cell structure and functions. The mode of action of these agents varies. You would realize that there are physical and chemical methods also to control microorganisms.

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Biology: determine the instruments that are required for
Reference No:- TGS0292450

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