
Determine the hydraulic conductivity and permeability of



Gain an undemanding of the controls on groundwater flow through porous media, using a simulation of Darcy's experiment.


Determine the hydraulic conductivity and permeability of four sand samples.
Determine the relationship between discharge and hydraulic gradient.
Determine the relationship between discharge and hydraulic conductivity.
Determine the relationship between permeability and hydraulic conductivity.
Relate the magnitude of hydraulic conductivity to grain size and degree of sorting.
Become familiar with laboratory method for measuring permeability, using both constant-head and falling head permeameters.

Lab report Contains:

1) Introduction (brief description of lab and why the lab was conducted)

2) Theory and Purpose (state purpose and define terms and processes)

3) Methods (brief description of the method(s) used)

4) Results (add tables and figures, as available, brief description of data collected, observations, and any interpretations you can make based on the data)

5) Discussion (brief comparison of repeats or results from other groups, did the data make sense or meet

6) Conclusion

I attached all calculations results

The attached spreadsheet has some results from prior classes . The calculation sheet has some sample calculations prepared for both falling head and constant head tests. You will need to edit that sheet, add your group and soil name, add your data, make the Q vs (Adh/dl) plot, calculate K for each experiment, and calculate the average for each test and for each soil.

Don't worry about calculating the K at a different temperature. However, I would like you to look up the density and viscosity of water to use with your hydraulic conductivity measurements to calculate the intrinsic permeability of each soil.


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Dissertation: Determine the hydraulic conductivity and permeability of
Reference No:- TGS02448442

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