
Determine the gene against which this probe is targeted -

Use of Molecular Tools and Bioinforrnatics in the Diagnosis Characterization of Enteric Pathogens from a Case Study

The purpose of this project is to familiarize the student with modern molecular tools and bioinformatics in the identification of unknown specimens.

At the conclusion of the project the student should be familiar with on-line searches of databases for sequence information and medical literature.

Case History:

A 24-year-old male reported to his physician that he had been experiencing severe cramping and diarrhea with blood in his stool over the past three days. On questioning he reported no unusual activities or travel in the recent past. In response to questions on his diet he revealed that he rarely washed fruits or vegetables before consuming them.

A stool sample was taken and sent to the lab.

Using molecular probes for known possible pathogens, the following nucleotide probe was found to hybridize with DNA extracted from the man's stool sample.



1. Determine the gene against which this probe is targeted.

2. Identify a likely pathogen responsible for man's symptoms.

3. Characterize the nature of the pathogen and therapeutic measures that would be advisable.

4. Perform a MEDLINE search to locate one citation in which this pathogen is discussed.

Report: Each‘student is to prepare a report which includes the following:

1. Identification of the gene against which the probe is targeted and a summary of how the student reached that conclusion.

2. Identification of a likely pathogen (scientific name) and the student's reasoning for the identification.

3. A characterization of the pathogen and therapeutic measures for the patient. This should include: gram stain, morphology, motility, oxygen requirements, distinguishing features or test results, pathogenic properties (how does it cause disease), geographic occurrence, reservoir, method of transmission, portal of entry, incubation period, period of illness, signs and symptoms of disease, prevention and therapy.

4. Provide a printout of the MEDLINE citation you selected, and summarize the abstract in your own words.

5. Citation of all references used.

Attachment:- Blast Instructions.rar

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Biology: Determine the gene against which this probe is targeted -
Reference No:- TGS02921826

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