
Determine the frp area and the bending strength

Determine the FRP area and the bending strength corresponding to the balanced strengthening configuration, for the section reported in given Exercise.


Determine the factored moment capacity ∅Mn of the rectangular section subjected to interior environmental exposure with an initial deformation in the concrete substrate εbi = 0.0060.

The material and geometric data of the section are: concrete, f'c = 20.68 MP a, width b = 300 mm, height h = 600 mm, reinforcement depth d = 560 mm; steel reinforcement: As = 602 mm2, fy = 413 MP a; FRP, f'fu = 2800 MP a, ε'fu= 0.017, Ef = 164000 MP a,bf = 250 mm, tf = 0.333 mm, n = 1.

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Physics: Determine the frp area and the bending strength
Reference No:- TGS02157745

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