Statically Indeterminate pinned jointed frame
Question 1
Determine the forces in the members for the pinned jointed frame shown in Figure Question 1, using the method of virtual work. All members have the same EA.

Question 2
For the beam shown in Figure Question 2;
1. Determine the reaction at B using the method of virtual work,
2. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams showing prominent values.
3. Sketch the deflected shape.
The beam has a constant EI between A and B and varies linearly from EI at the support B to 2EI at the support C.

Question 3
A steel column is fixed at both ends for bending about the YY axis and pinned at both ends for bending about the XX axis. It has the following properties:
Ixx = 30 x 106 mm4; Iyy = 15 x 106 mm4
If the height of the column is 5.75m, determine the maximum buckling load that the column can carry.
Question 4
Figure Question 4 show a beam simply supported at A and C and free at D. Draw the influence-line diagrams for
• Reaction at C
• Bending moment at B
• Reaction at A
• Shearing force at B

Question 5
Question 5a
It is required to design and construct a bridge to cross the valley shown in Figure Question 5(a). The carriageway on each side comprises the following:
• 2 No Lanes ( 3700 mm each)
• 3000 mm shoulder
• 1200 mm Inner Strip
Provide two concept designs as follows:
1) Prestressed (Pre-tensioned) concrete
2) Prestressed (Post-tensioned) concrete
The distance between supports (span) should be between 40 and 150m.
Provide sketches showing the longitudinal elevation and the typical cross section for each solution.

Question 5b
A rectangular beam of 200 mm wide and 425 mm depth is simply supported and has a span of 6 m. The variable action acting on the beam is 16 kN/m. If a straight tendon (for prestressing) is provided at an eccentricity of 75 mm below the centroid of the section, find:
1. the minimum prestress force necessary for no tension at mid-span under variable action.
2. the corresponding stresses under permanent action only at mid-span and at the end of the members