Problem statements
NeoPixel LED strip lightshow demonstration
The aim of this project is to build a demonstration piece for public display at various TAFE SA sponsored event using the NeoPixel LED strip. The final product must be packaged in a professional, robust, easy to transport enclosure such that the setup time is minimal. It must also have an easy to learn and use interface so that the general public can interact with the light using various form of sensor(s).
The minimum requirement of this project is to have the LED strip mounted on a stand with a suitable interface for the user to change how the light with be displayed. Ideally the light should also respond to other sensor input. The light show must be creative and interesting.
Once the minimum requirement is achieved the project will be modified as a High Striker game where a sensor will be used to determine the force of the strike and display the force using the LED strip. Again this has to be easy to use and robust for public display.
Components used:
A. Arduino Mega
B. Adafruit Neopixel LED strip
C. Piezoelectric Sensor