
Determine the following for the system in the given units

A vibrating system has weight W = 4000 lb and a spring stiffness coefficient k = 10,000 lb/in. It has been determined experimentally that the logarithmic decrement Δ = 0.314 and the time between successive maximum Td = 0.2025s for the system.

Determine the following for the system in the given units:

a) The natural undamped frequency (rad/s)

b) The critical damping (lb · s/in)

c) The damping coefficient (lb · s/in)

d) The number of cycles and the time (s) required for the amplitude of motion to be reduced from an initial value of 0.1 in to 0.01 in. Hint: use log properties and the ratios of successive peak amplitudes.

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Mathematics: Determine the following for the system in the given units
Reference No:- TGS01418516

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