Determine the developmental status of the young person

Case Scenario:

Candice" is a 15 year old female with a diagnosis of autism and attends her local public secondary school. Candice is very articulate and has an excellent vocabulary, however when she is upset or stressed, she will choose to be non verbal, refusing to communicate. She rarely makes eye contact and has no close friends at the school, however she enjoys attending the youth service.

She finds it difficult to interact with her peers and usually does not engage in sport or social activities, outside her family home, however she has told you she'd like to "make friends" and "go out more".  Her parents are extremely over protective and have always done most tasks for candice, rather than encouraging her to be independent. She is capable but her parents and siblings do not challenge her to undertake new tasks or develop new skills. Candice can't use a knife and fork, get dressed by herself or attend to basic hygiene as these tasks have been done for her.

She tries to reduce sensory input, by avoiding loud noises, large crowds and avoiding close physical contact with others. Her parents are very concerned about her lack of socialisation, which makes her awkward and stressed when exposed to people/events outside her immediate family, however they are scared about giving her more freedom or encourage her to go out more.

You will need to consider physical, cognitive social and emotional development of each client and what life events may impact on these areas of development.

Q1. What observation and conversation techniques can you use, to determine the developmental status of this young person?

Q2. What life events or circumstances have impacted the development of this young person. (Address physical, cognitive social and emotional development)

Q3. Now that you have considered their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development, what support can you provide?

Q4. As well as the support you will provide, list three specialist services or programs you might also consider referring this young person to?

Q5. Explain the impact of early childhood attachment or lack of early attachment on this young person?

Q6. Is there anyone in this young person's life who you think also needs support? If so, why?

Q7. Are there any potential mandatory reporting obligations here or possibly in the future? If so, explain why?

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Other Subject: Determine the developmental status of the young person
Reference No:- TGS03237309

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