
Determine the developmental status of the young person

Assignment Task:

Mandy is 16 and has left home due to violent clashes with her Mother. Mandy spent much of her early childhood in foster care or cared for by relatives, due to her Mother's drug addiction. She is couch surfing with no real address and has not applied for any Centrelink benefit at present. She admits to petty theft of food and clothes and has engaged in sexual activity with older men for money. Recently she has been introduced to Meth and she said it helps her forget her problems. She eats when she can but says she has lost 6 kgs since leaving home. She will often come to the youth centre to be able to access the free food available, donated by the local Food Bank.

She is an average student and says she enjoys being at school, but as she has no fixed address right now, she has not attended school for the past 5 weeks. She has lost contact with her siblings and has not seen her Mother since she left home, so has few clothes or belongings with her. She has a history of asthma and epilepsy but doesn't know where she left her medication. She is becoming very forgetful and reports sleep disturbance and anxiety.

Last week she was arrested for public deinking and became abusive and struck a police officer. She is due to appear in court in 3 weeks time and expresses to you that she needs to get her life sorted out.

You will need to consider physical, cognitive social and emotional development of each client and what life events may impact on these areas of development.

Q1. What observation and conversation techniques can you use, to determine the developmental status of this young person?

Q2. What life events or circumstances have impacted the development of this young person? (Address physical, cognitive social and emotional development)

Q3. Now that you have considered their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development, what support can you provide?

Q4. As well as the support you will provide, list three specialist services or programs you might also consider referring this young person to?

Q5. Explain the impact of early childhood attachment or lack of early attachment on this young person?

Q6. Is there anyone in this young person's life who you think also needs support? If so, why?

Q7. Are there any potential mandatory reporting obligations here or possibly in the future? If so, explain why?

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Other Subject: Determine the developmental status of the young person
Reference No:- TGS03235604

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