Assessment: Website (Blog)
As part of your development in becoming a digitally fluent educator you will create and develop a Website (using OR on the following overarching topic; Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. This will be developed and added to throughout the course of the unit and you should allocate time throughout the first 8 weeks to be working consistently on your Website. This is a creative project so you will determine the design and navigational elements of your website.
Your Website should include the following:
1. Three summations of topics selected from the list below (these are weekly topics from the units), while focusing on how these topics apply to teaching and learning.
Each summation must be on a different topic and be presented using a different format.
• Digital identities and digital security
• Transmedia
• Participation and the digital divide
• Being a digital curator
• Digital Fluency
• Lifelong learning in a digital age
• Your three summations are to be presented using different formats
Summation 1; Written summary of 300 words
Summation 2: Auditory summary (spoken) meeting a 300 word script, roughly 2-4 minutes Summation 1 Visual presentation summary of 300 words, roughly 2-4 minutes
Each summation must appear as a post or page on your website and include a list of references relevant to that post.
2. Each summation should focus on one of the above topics and demonstrate your ability to use a variety of tools that you have not used previously- these digital tools can be taken from any of the digital activities that we explore during the unit. For example, you cannot use Canva as you did this in Assessment 1, also if you use Prezi for your auditory summation you cannot use it for your visual summation.
3. A final critical reflection that discusses how this assessment task has impacted your understanding of the complexities of the digital world and its impact on education and schooling (300 words). Discuss the different styles of technology you engaged with in creating your website and explain how your use of these have impacted on your understanding of digital technologies in teaching and learning.
Assessment Criteria
Ensure you familiarise yourself with the marking guides on Blackboard for full information on assessment criteria, However, broadly speaking you will be assessed as follows:
• Written summation- knowledge of topic, creativity and design of post/page
• Auditory summation - knowledge of topic, creativity and design, quality of speech
• Visual summation - knowledge of topic. creativity and design of presentation
• Final reflection - discussion of the process and different tools you used in creating your Website/Blog, critical analysis of how this task has impacted your understanding of teaching and learning in a digital world
• Overall - academic writing and compliance with APA 6th Edition referencing style
You will be submitting your assessment via BlackboardiTurnitin, so you will need to create a single word file for submission. Your word file must include the following (in this order):
• A basic cover sheet with your student information.
• ALL of your written text from your website including reference lists (the written summation, the written script of your audio summation, written content from your visual summation and your final reflection) excluding images (please note: all written content of your assessment must be included in your word document AND website to be marked - penalties will apply for missing content that is not included in both formats).
• A URL link (web address) to your published version of your website (please note: penalties will apply for incorrect or no URL).