
Determine the daily discharge of gw into the canal

A canal is constructed parallel to a river 460m away both fully penetrating an unconfined aquifer of clean sand and gravel as shown. The aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of k=18.5m/day and is subjected to an average infiltration of 1.6m/yr. The water surface elevation in the canal is 8.5m and in the river it is 10m, if the mound between the canal and the river gets contaminated and the river is to remain free of contamination.

a) Determine the daily discharge of gw into the canal and river per km of both (b) estimate travel times from the water divide to the canal and to the river (ne=0.35) (c) assuming that the contaminant travels mainly by advection, propose any operational changes to the given layout to prevent the river from being contaminated. 

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Civil Engineering: Determine the daily discharge of gw into the canal
Reference No:- TGS0507254

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