An equimolar vapor mixture of n-butane (B) and n-hexane (H) at 120oC and 1.0 atm, flowing at a rate of 150.0 Lis is cooled and compressed, causing some but not all of the vapor to condense. (Treat this process as a single-unit operation.) Liquid and vapor product streams emerge from the process are in equilibrium at 57oC and P (atm). The vapor product contains 60.0 mole% butane.
a. Draw and label a flowchart?
b. Perform Gibbs phase rule and show that you have enough information to determine equilibrium pressure, the composition of the liquid product?
c. Determine the couilibrium pressure, the composition of the liquid product (component mole fractions)
d. Also, determine the fractional condensation of n-hexane (mol H condensed/mol of H fed)?