1. Let I = [0, a] and define the three norms in C(I), the maximum norm
||f||0 = maxx∈I {lf(x)|}
and the weighted norms
||f||1 = maxx∈I {lf(x)|e-αx} and ||f||2 = maxx∈I {|f(x)}|e-x2}.
Determine the corresponding operator norms ||T||0, ||T||1, and ||T||2 for the operator
(Tf)(x) = 0∫xt, f (t)dt.
2. (a) Use the fixed point theorem with an appropriate choice of T and choice of norm and the results from Question 1 to show that the integral equation
y(x) = 1/2 x2 + ∫ty(t)dt, x∈I = [0, a],
has exactly one solution.
(b) Determine the solution
(i) by rewriting the equation as an initial-value problem and solving, and
(ii) by explicitly calculating the successive approximations
y1 = Ty0, y2 = Ty1,.......Yn+1 = Tyn,.....
beginning with yo = 0.
3. Prove the existence and uniqueness theorem for the initial-value problem
y' = f(x, y), x ∈ I = |ξ- a, ξ + a|, + y(ξ) = η
using the norm ||y|| = maxx∈I {|y(x)|e-α|x-ξ|} with α > 0:
3: Theorem. Let f be continuous in the strip S = I x R and satisfy a Lipschitz condition with respect to y. Then the initial value problem (1) has exactly one solution y(x) and the solution exists for ξ - a ≤ x ≤ ξ + a.
4. Find the maximal interval of existence (α, β) for each of the following initial-value problems. If α > -∞ or β< ∞.), discuss the limit of the solution as x → α+ or as x → β- respectively:
(a) y' = y2, y(0) = y0;
(b) y' = sec y, y(0) = 0;
(c) y'= y2 - 4, y(0) = 0;
(d) y' = y3. y(0) = y0 > 0.