
Determine the change in mass flowrate through the duct

The duct in Problem 11.49 is shortened by 50%. The duct discharge pressure is maintained at the choked flow value determined in Problem 11.49. Determine the change in mass flowrate through the duct associated with the 50% reduction in length. The average friction factor remains constant at a value of 0.03.

Problem 11.49

Standard atmospheric air (T0 = 59 °F, p0 = 14.7 psia) is drawn steadily through a frictionless and adiabatic converging nozzle into an adiabatic, constant cross-sectional area duct. The duct is 10 ft long and has an inside diameter of 0.5 ft. The average friction factor for the duct may be estimated as being equal to 0.03. What is the maximum mass flowrate in slugs/s through the duct? For this maximum flowrate, determine the values of static temperature, static pressure, stagnation temperature, stagnation pressure, and velocity at the inlet [section (1)] and exit [section (2)] of the constant area duct. Sketch a temperature-entropy diagram for this flow.

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Mechanical Engineering: Determine the change in mass flowrate through the duct
Reference No:- TGS02165833

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