
Determine the balance of trade and explain


Choose a country that is a major trade partner with the United States and examine that balance of trade in depth. Consider the goods and services that each purchase and determine the balance of trade and explain. Explain if there is a surplus or deficit and offer an explanation for your answer. Be sure to consider some of the factors discussed in the unit, like whether or not American companies produce goods in foreign countries or if there are trade restrictions imposed by either country.

Once you have evaluated the relationship for these countries, predict the forward path of trade between this country and the United States. Be sure to consider the current political climate, the current markets, the strength of the dollar, and other relevant factors to explain your prediction.

(it should be ten slides) Make sure that all writing is clear and error free. You also need to include a list of at least three reputable websites that you used for your research. There are a lot of excellent government and international non-governmental organization (NGO) websites, so be sure to look at these.

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Business Management: Determine the balance of trade and explain
Reference No:- TGS03263731

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