
Determine the avant garde movements 3 you will be

Exercise: Avant Garde Musical Vector Studies


Choose 3 different avant garde movements to represent and match each one with 3 different musical samples from the Bauhaus Reviewed recording. The link can be found on our class blog.


Software: Adobe Illustrator

Artboards: 5 x 5 inch artboards with .28 inch gutters and 3 columns Media: Vector only (type, shapes, and/or images)

Resolution: 300 ppi (pixels per inch)

Color: CMYK color space


• Determine the avant garde movements (3) you will be referencing.

• Research their characteristics and visual representation.

• Next, choose musical examples (3, one for each composition) from the Bauhaus Reviewed recording link on our class blog.

• You will be listening to each piece as you work interpreting both the music visually and the avant garde movement.

• Work outside the computer first quickly brainstorming visual solutions for each composition.

• Be expressive and do what is needed to loosen up and let the music inform your visual interpretation.

• Represent time, motion, sequence, and space as you work thinking about the relationship between music and visual communication. For instance, the space between musical notes can be similar to the space between visual elements.

• Prepare to work in an all vector environment.

Create your Illustrator document giving it a file name that includes your name and the project. (yourname_cel.ai or yourname_vectorstudies.ai)

• Create a layer for each artboard and organize your objects accordingly.

• Work with anchor points by using the Pen Tool and Pathfinders to trim objects to the edge of your artboards.

• When finished, export your Illustrator document as a JPEG, leaving the Use Arboards button not selected.

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Computer Graphics: Determine the avant garde movements 3 you will be
Reference No:- TGS01260617

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