Determine the athlete can participate with condition


Dermatology Report: MRSA

You will research MRSA dermatological condition seen in athletics or physically active population. You will examine the nature of the problem, how it is transmitted, how it is presented in the individual, what the treatment (including medication) would be, and determine if the athlete can participate with the condition (NCAA policy). Cite all sources used in APA format. Sources should be evidence-based research from medical journals. WebMD, Wikipedia, etc. ARE NOT VALID SOURCES. Paper must be typed,

Times New Roman,

12pt font,

doubled spaced,

1 inch margins.

Paper must be a minimum of 3 FULL pages, not including a title page and the reference page. Please highlight one medication for your dermatological condition.

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Science: Determine the athlete can participate with condition
Reference No:- TGS03153576

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