Suppose you are an option trader and are now considering the options on the shares of HSBC.
The HSBC share price and its January futures price closed at $58.3 and $58.5 on 3 January 2017, respectively. The HSBC January call option price was $3 with a strike price $60 on 3 January 2017. The call and put options are of European style. The Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate was 0.3% per annum with continuous compounding.
a. Calculate the HSBC January put option price with a strike price $60 using the put-call parity.
b. Determine the arbitrage profit if the market price of the put option is $5 by the end of January. Show your steps.
c. Calculate the HSBC January put option price with a strike price $60 using the put-call-futures parity.