
Determine the activity cost associated with each patient


Mercy Hospital plans to use activity-based costing to assignhospital indirect costs to the care of patients. The hospitalhas indentified the following activities and activity rates for thehospital indirect costs:

Activity                                              Activity Rate

Room andmeals                                $165 per day

Radiology                                          $250 per image

Pharmacy                                           $45 per physician order

Chemistrylab                                     $85 per test

Operatingroom                                  $680 per operating room hour

The records of two representative patients were analyzed, usingthe activity rates. The activity information associated withthe two patients is as follows:

                                                   PatientMalone           Patient Talbot

Number ofdays                                 8days                       4 days

Number ofimages                              5images                    3 images

Number of physicianorders               6orders                      2 orders

Number oftests                                 7tests                      3 tests

Number of operating roomhours        4.5hours                    2 hours

  1. Determine the activity cost associated with each patient.
  2. Why is the total activity cost different for the twopatients?

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Accounting Basics: Determine the activity cost associated with each patient
Reference No:- TGS0722381

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