Determine that the airman sustained a concussion

Question: You have just completed everything but the VOMS with Airman First Class Jacobs who hit her head during a training event yesterday and has today presented at the clinic complaining of a headache. You have determined that the Airman sustained a concussion. What would be your next step? Select the correct answer. Because the Service Member hit her head yesterday and did not seek immediate treatment, you should stop the MACE 2, prescribe Acetaminophen, and tell the Service Member to return tomorrow if her headache persists. You should continue with the VOMS because the results of the VOMS will determine if vestibular/ocular-motor symptoms are present. Once you have the Concussion Screening results, it is not necessary to continue the evaluation in a non-deployed setting, so you would stop the evaluation. Having diagnosed a concussion, you would immediately send the Service Member home and tell her to return tomorrow when her symptoms have subsided to continue the other tests in the MACE 2, which could provoke her symptoms if completed today.

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Other Subject: Determine that the airman sustained a concussion
Reference No:- TGS03411034

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