
determine requirements of vitamins at high

Determine requirements of Vitamins at high altitude?

It is observed that requirement of vitamins is not different as compared to plains. In humans, exposure to high altitude has been reported to cause a marked increase in lipid per oxidation. Antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin E, C and A (ß-Carotene), as well as, selenium, copper; zinc and manganese may be required in greater amounts in cold and high altitude environments to prevent oxidative stress. These antioxidants act in a concerted manner to combat the oxidative stress arising from different sources, ß-Carotene protects against photo-immuno-suppression caused by long-wave UV radiation encountered in outdoors. During rough weather, when supply of fresh fruits and vegetables becomes limited at high altitude, vitamin C supplements are recommended due to its antioxidant role.

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Biology: determine requirements of vitamins at high
Reference No:- TGS0307344

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