
Determine quatratic function based on stopping distance

Approximate distance it takes to stop the car, based on the speed car is traveling, is provided below:

Miles perhour     Stoppingdistance (ft.)

25                         62            

35                         106

45                         161

50                         195

55                         228

65                         306

i) Determine quatratic function based on stopping distance for 55 mph and 65 mph and fact that at 0 mph  stopping distance is 0 feet.

ii) Use that equation to forecast stopping distances for 55mph and 65 mph and compare them with distances given in chart.

C) If equation continues to be valid for higher speeds, how many feet would it take to stop drag racer which reaches a speed of 230 mph?

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Mathematics: Determine quatratic function based on stopping distance
Reference No:- TGS0859879

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