
Determine orthogonal frequency division multiplexing


In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communication systems such as those used for digital subscriber lines (ADSL, HDSL, VDSL), the channel can be thought of as the parallel of N independent subchannels. Each subchannel m is AWGN with its own bandwidth Bi, power gain gi and noise PSD Ni/2, and has a capacity Ci that depends on its transmit power Mi. A possible aim in designing such systems is to distribute the total transmit power MTx among the subchannels so that the total channel capacity is maximized, that is

max {Mi≥0} ΣNi=1 Ci, under the constraint ΣNi=1 Mi ≤ MTx

a) For N = 2 subchannels find the optimal values of M1 and M2 as a function of the parameters {Bi, gi, Ni} and total power MTx. Plot the capacity C as a function of M1 for

B1 = 4MHz, B2 = 1 MHz, g1 = -40 dB, g2 = -45 dB, N1= N2 10-10 V2/Hz, MTx = 1V2.

Repeat the plot in the case the gains are exchanged,

g1 = -45dB, g2 = -40dB.

b) For general N, prove that if all subchannels have the same bandwidth Bi = B and

Ni/gi ≤ P0, with P0 = 1/N (MTx/B + ΣNi=1 Ni/gi)

the optimal solution is

Mi = B (P0 - Ni/gi)

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