Solve the following problem:
Consider the problem of equalizing the discrete-time equivalent channel shown in Figure. The information sequence {In} is binary (±1) and uncorrelated. The additive noise {νn} is white and real-valued, with variance N0. The received sequence {yn} is processed by a linear three-tap equalizer that is optimized on the basis of the MSE criterion.
a. Determine the optimum coefficients of the equalizer as a function of N0.
b. Determine the three eigenvalues λ1, λ2, and λ3 of the covariance matrix and the corresponding (normalized to unit length) eigenvectors v1, v2, v3.
c. Determine the minimum MSE for the three-tap equalizer as a function of N0.
d. Determine the output SNR for the three-tap equalizer as a function of N0. How does this compare with the output SNR for the infinite-tap equalizer? For example, evaluate the output SNR for these two equalizers when N0 = 0.1.