
Determine nuclear power plant problems

For all problems of this assignment consider Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) with Pressurized water reactor (PWR). Reactor have following parameters:

Reactor Thermal Power

3000 MWth

Nuclear Power Plant has thermal efficiency


Working Period Between Annual Outages
(Annual refueling and maintanance)

300 Effective Full-Power Days

Of all Fissions (100%):

Contribution of U-235 fissions:

Contribution of Pu fissions:




Energy produced at each fission of U-235

200 MeV / atom

Conversion Factor

1.6 x 10-19 J/eV

Avogadro Constant

6.023 x 1023 J/eV

Initial Fuel Enrichment (wt% of U-235):



Remaining content of U-235 in fuel (wt% of U-235):



Amount of uranium that undergo fission in the fuel

4.0% - 1.0% = 3.0%

Electricity Price per Kilowatt-hour:


0.1 $/(kW*hr)

Natural uranium price


35 $/lb

Problem 1 :

Calculate electric output of the nuclear power plant (measured in MWe).

Problem 2 :

Assume that 65% power was produced by U-235 Fissions.

Calculate Mass of Uranium-235 used in the reactor during this period (in kg).

Problem 3:

Assume that amount of uranium that undergo fission in the fuel is equal to 3.0% on total fuel mass,

Calculate total mass of fuel used in the reactor during this period (metric tons).

Problem 4:

Assume that the price of electricity for residents is 10 cents per kilowatt - hour, and that 50% of the payment goes to power distribution network, and 50% goes to NPP owner,

Calculate NPP revenue per day of operation.

Problem 5:

Assume that the price of electricity for residents is 10 cents per kilowatt - hour, and that 50% of the payment goes to power distribution network, and 50% goes to NPP owner,

Calculate NPP revenue per 1 year of operation.

Problem 6:

Calculate total demand of natural uranium per year (in metric tones), necessary for NPP fuel fabrication, assuming that depleted uranium in tails will contain 0.2% of U-235. Calculate the cost of that amount of natural uranium assuming natural uranium price of 35$/lb

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Physics: Determine nuclear power plant problems
Reference No:- TGS0690852

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