
Determine notable health indicators for your adopted

Part 1 - Answer these questions:

1. Describe the region of the hospital where you work or a hospital located near your home.   Use the data from the Dartmouth Atlas, Commonwealth Fund, and one other resource to support your conclusions about your hospital and region.  How does the hospital you selected compare on at least three significant 'indicators' to other hospitals located in your region?

2. a. Identify health system economic indicators for your adopted country: health spending per capita, health spending as a % of GDP.

b. Determine notable health indicators for your adopted country: life expectancy, infant mortality, and one more that is relevant for your country.

Part 2 -  Compare your "Country" to your hospital and region.  Consider employment, education, housing, transportation, etc.  Also consider public health issues versus administrative or infrastructure problems.  Answer these questions:

1. a. What are the two most significant obstacles and the two most significant opportunities that limit/promote health equity and access in your region? 

 b. What are the two most significant obstacles and the two most significant opportunities that limit/promote health equity and access in your "country"? 

c. How does your country compare on these significant obstacles and opportunities to your area of the United States?

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Dissertation: Determine notable health indicators for your adopted
Reference No:- TGS01531180

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