Solve the following problem:
Sketch the trellis for the Viterbi detector of the equalized signal in Problem 1 and label all the states. Also, determine the minimum Euclidean distance between merging paths.
Problem 1: In a magnetic recording channel, where the read back pulse resulting from a positive transition in the write current has the form
p(t) = [1 + (2t/T50)2]-1
a linear equalizer is used to equalize the pulse to a partial response. The parameter T50 is defined as the width of the pulse at the 50 percent amplitude level. The bit rate is 1/Tb and the ratio of T50/Tb = ? is the normalized density of the recording. Suppose the pulse is equalized to the partial-response values
x(nT) = {1 n=-1,1
{2 n=0
{0 otherwise
Where x(t) represents the equalized pulse shape.
a. Determine the spectrum X( f ) of the band-limited equalized pulse.
b. Determine the possible output levels at the detector, assuming that successive transitions can occur at the rate 1/Tb.
c. Determine the error rate performance of the symbol-by-symbol detector for this signal, assuming that the additive noise is zero-mean Gaussian with variance σ2.