
Determine joint-conditional entropies for pair of integer


1. Find the joint and conditional entropies for the pair of integer-valued random variables x, y with

A[x,y] = {[m,n] ε Z2 : 1 ≤ n ≤ m ≤ 4}, Px,y(m,n) = 1/4m

What is the efficiency of the vector x, y ?

2. Consider an infinite message {xn} with iid symbols and equally likely values in {0, 1}, and the message {yn} defined as yn = xnxn-1.

3. Consider an unlimited binary message {xn} with iid symbols taking values in {0, 1} with equal probability, and another message {yn} obtained from it as yn = xn - xn-1.

a) Find the entropy of the rv y0.

b) Find the entropy of the rve [y-1, y0, y1].

c) Find the entropy per symbol and the efficiency of the message {yn}.

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