Question - Rank these from most reactive to least reactive species (to nucelophilic acyl substitution) below placing the structure (AND NOT THE NAME OR LETTER) in order.
1. butanoic 2-methylpropanoic anhydride
2. acetamide
3. 2-methylpropanoyl chloride
4. isopropyl butanoate
Determine if the reactions indicated below can be done in one step by writing yes or no to the right of the indicated reaction. Please explain it.
1. isopropyl butanoate to butanoic 2-methypropanoic anhydride
2. butanoic 2-methylpropanoic anhydride to 2-methylpropanoyl chloride
3. 2-methylpropanoyl chloride to butanoic 2-methylpropanoic anhydride
4. Isopropyl butanoate to acetamide.
I require expert help to solve the above question. Illustrate each and every step